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Simply Takuya (4th Jan 08 at 9:05pm UTC)
book I have been working on.
CR 2007, 2008 Kyle O'Brien. All rights reserved. This is ONLY allowed on tS, do not post anywhere else without my permission.
Chapter I: Soul Captivity

The trees whispered and the river giggled with laughter. Butterflies laughed and Alex cried. Lance Jacobs gave him another blow to Alex’s chest. Alex coughed up blood. The last cough that came before his last breath. As he sucked in his last breath, his eyes grew wide, as did Lance’s. They both knew what was happening, though each had different reasons. One in relief, the other in horror. One of these boys had killed before and knew this time he would pay for it (and he was quite right in thinking so). Alex on the other hand was tired of dealing with Lance’s shit. Alex fell over.

If you happened to be behind the gym in fourth period, you would have seen Lance dragging Alex to Sayem River, but there were no witnesses. And if there were, no one would have confessed. Lance had a reputation. One either followed him, or got out of his way. If you were one of the unlucky many that was picked on by Lance daily, you were officially fucked. Alex had no hope. The reason for Lance’s state of mind? He had bad grades. He had a horrible home life. His own dad left him at the age of three with a drunkard mother. He was jealous of kids like Alex who always had food on the table, who had the greatest bikes, who had parents who loved them, and who were able to love their parents back.

As Lance was about to kick Alex’s limp body into the river, his physical features changed. He was suddenly taller, more muscular, and above all: his eyes were open. The entity that had been screaming for escape had suddenly done so.

The face Lance currently had, was priceless.
“Am I getting punk’d?” was all Lance could mutter.
“You wish,” said a deep voice that was definitely not Alex’s. With a single strike, Lance died, and floated down the Sayem River.
Alex thrusted himself upwards. He checked his surroundings while rasping for breath. He cocked an eyebrow. The place was recognizable, be no idea of location tapped his brain. He reached out to stretch, to find the he was agonizingly sore. Alex sighed and tried to gather his bearings. First, he was going to PE. Second, he was grabbed by Lance and his gang. Thirdly, he was left alone with Lance.

Then he died.

I’m dead? thought Alex.

No, came a reply.

Alex leaped up and whirled around. He was alone.

“Who are you?” Alex’s weak voice only carried inches away.

I have many names, but my current one is Takuya, said the same voice.

Alex fell back and hid in his own misery. He only made little whimpers. He was afraid of the voice inside his head, which the voice new.

Do not be afraid, Alex, said the being, Takuya.

Wha-What are you? stuttered Alex.

I am a spirit. One that lives inside of you.

How do you live inside of me?


So it does exist…

You believe so easily?

It’s the only way that makes sense.

Hmm. Well, anyways… I was transferred into you when you were ten, and at the exact moment Lance tried to kill you, a prophecy was set into place.

A prophecy?

Oh, ignore it for now.

If you say so…

Believe me, it’s unimportant.

You did save me, I suppose you’re the only one I can trust right now.

What makes you say that?

Don’t I have enemies? I mean, you killed Lance, that must make you something powerful.

How did you know I killed Lance?

I doubt he can run fast enough.

Smart boy… but yes you do have one enemy: The Dark.

Yeah, I am still a bit afraid of that one.

No, this is the real Dark. It can infect anyone with enough evil in them. It has one physical form at the moment, Nathaniel. He is your age and with the Dark in him, I would fear him if I were you.

I really see nothing to fear.

As Alex said that, several images passed through his mind --- A baby being terrorized, a bus load of children being driven off a cliff, and several more incomprehendable images that are too indescribable for the human mind.

A new, serious face emerged from Alex’s

I understand.

Now, I need to take control of your body.


Well I doubt you are old enough to drive.

I meant about the taking control part.

Oh. Obviously, you are in control right now, so the body takes your basic physical form, but when I am in control it takes my form. When you are in control you control your body, when I am in control I can control. Quite simple.

So you control what I do?

In a way.

How do I let you control?

Just don’t fight it.

Without much warning, Alex’s head felt as though it were in a vice, and Alex fought it at first which made it worse, but then let go.
It looked as though he were looking through his own eyes, but felt entirely different, he had no control over his body

Takuya whispered something, and a Ford Mustang GT appeared in front of him. Alex tried gape in awe, but he had no control over his body. At first the Mustang was red, but Takuya muttered some more words and the Mustang was now a glossy orange, Alex’s favorite color. Takuya opened the front door, stepped in, and moments later they were on the highway, speeding over a hundred miles per hour.

Alex thought, Isn’t this a little dangerous?

I have the agility of a fox, you’ll be fine, thought Takuya.

How do we talk like this? asked Alex.

Our minds are linked together, so anything we think, the other shall hear.

Alex thought, as a passing billboard for Playboy flew by.

There are ways to block certain things.

Will you teach me?

No, but we are going to a school that will teach you.

A school?

Yes, but first we are going to one of my friend’s houses, he
will explain more.

They had arrived at their destination: O’Hare Airport.

We’re having to fly there? thought Alex.

Yes, I am going to have to make you unconscious for a while,
you can’t see where we are going.

Alex rushed up. He looked at his hands, he had control over
his body again, but he was not at O’Hare Airport. He was at someone’s house. A huge mansion in fact.

Ring the doorbell twice, pause for a moment, then ring once more, thought Takuya.

Why? asked Alex, but there was no reply. He did as Takuya ordered. The doorbell was easily pressed, not rusted, and somehow felt nice to press. The door opened slowly, without a creak. An eye peered out from behind the door, then the door flew open.

“Alex?” asked a man. He was tall and incredibly skinny. He looked physically fit, but not overly buff. He had dark blonde hair and bright blue eyes, but none of these caught Alex’s eyes first. What caught Alex’s eyes was the man’s brilliant smile. His smile made Alex feel like all the bad things in the world were gone, as if he had no worries. Alex smiled back, just looking at his smile. Then he froze for a moment.

“How do you know my name?” Alex asked.

“How do I know your name,” the man repeated, “Has Takuya told you anything?”

“A little…”

“Oh, that’s like him anyways, would have been surprised if he
told you more, heheh. Well, I suppose I should introduce myself. I am Cosmo,” Cosmo stuck his hand out. Alex shook it gladly. The man’s handshake was as sensational as his smile.

“I’m Alex, but you already know that.”

“Heheh, well Alex, glad to meet you… But I do need to speak to Takuya, that is, if you don’t mind.”

Alex slowly transformed into Takuya.

“Cosmo, my old friend,” Takuya said as he stuck his hand out for Cosmo to shake, but Cosmo declined. “What’s wrong?”

“Please explain yourself, Takuya Kimaruya,” said Cosmo.

“The prophecy has been set in place,” replied Takuya.

“Really?” Cosmo cocked an eyebrow.

“Yes, it happened about 3 hours ago, I got here as fast as I could.”

“It happened just as predicted-“

“I know,” Takuya cut him off.

“How much have you taught him?”

“Not much… Nothing at all in fact.”

Alex became infuriated. He knew he could say nothing though. How could he let his thoughts escape through the real world…? He tried concentrating impossibly hard, using his anger with it.

“Why the hell didn’t you teach me anything?!?!?” Alex’s voice escaped throughout his mind and echoed on every echo able object in the street, bouncing off of walls, concrete, poles and more. Cosmo swiftly grabbed Takuya and pulled hime inside the mansion. The house was incredibly huge on the inside as well, Takuya took a look around so that Alex could see the entire surrounding. There were China glasses and plates on all the walls, and all the rooms seemed connected, there were no hallways. Cosmo led Takuya to the sitting room. There was one armchair and one couch, both of which were a deep ruby red velvet. In between them was a glass table that sat upon a metallic black frame. Cosmo sat on the chair, while Takuya took upon the couch.

“Seems your friend here can learn a bit on his own,” said Cosmo.

“Yeah I can see that… Tell him about the schools,” Takuya said.

“Oh, I would feel better if I spoke to Alex directly,” Cosmo said. Takuya morphed into Alex, “That’s more like it. Now there are actually three schools which you can choose from. There is ‘Dakyl”s’ at New York City, but I wouldn’t trust that one. Most of your enemies will be choosing that path. ColdCarbon is based in California somewhere, but no one knows where. It’s underground, and requires very secure transportation to get to it. Last, but not least, is Wrighty’s School, which is located in the city we are in right now, and has a great principal. I highly recommend that one.”

“So… where are we?” asked Alex.

“Takuya didn’t tell you? We’re in London!” Cosmo replied. Alex’s mind surged with anger. He tried to prove Cosmo wrong, Takuya should have been right, “But you don’t have an accent.”

“I just moved here a few months ago, for security reasons.”

“Oh… Can you give me some time to think about which school to go to?”

“Of course.”

“Can I use your bathroom?”

“Sure it’s the second door over there,” Cosmo said as he pointed Alex in the direction. Alex muttered, “Thanks,” and went on. In the bathroom, Alex started running warm water at the sink, and splashed it in his face. He dried his face, then looked in the mirror. His dark black hair had become incredibly messy, so he combed it straight. His brown eyes had huge dark marks under them… Had he been losing sleep lately? Not that he remembered…

He walked back out, and took a step outside. He tried thinking of which school to go to

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Re: Simply Takuya (29th Mar 13 at 9:17am UTC)
Wow ! Thanks for your fantastic and creative story.

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